Causes And Symptoms Of Tooth Sensitivity

Most people have some sensitivity issues while consuming extremely cold drinks. Over time, when the problem gets ignored, the person can start noticing receding gums and enamel wear. Generally, the tooth sensitivity problem doesn’t make the children suffer. These feelings of sensitivity can arise after the age of 20 years.

Dentine is the teeth’s inner part that can get affected and exposed due to several reasons. Once it is exposed, the inner nerves can be stimulated by any external trigger, including drinking cold water. You will instantly feel an issue around the inner nerves and a sharp sensation around the teeth.

Although almost everyone deals with some tooth sensitivity issue, there are sufferers who have dentinal hypersensitivity and need to consult a dentist for confirming it. They should also learn the best ways to minimize the issue and further exposure to dentine.

The dentist will ask them to make some changes in their dietary habits as well as change the way they take care of their teeth daily. Aggressive brushing, gum disease, and frequent brushing are often the main causes of teeth sensitivity.

Some people complain about sensitivity issues after a week of the tooth whitening process. However, this issue is not serious and should not be confused with dentinal hypersensitivity.

Symptoms Of Tooth Sensitivity

The majority of people notice a weird sensation around their teeth whenever they consume a cold drink. But not all these people are dealing with tooth sensitivity as there can be different reasons for dental sensation. If the sensitivity and discomfort continue for a week, you must seek professional advice from the dentist.

Which Toothpaste Protects Sensitive Teeth?

Those who deal with tooth sensitivity issues should start using Sensodyne. products. Brush the teeth using this product twice every day to maintain fresh taste, healthy teeth, and gums.

The main benefits of using Sensodyne toothpaste include protection from daily sensitivity and cavity. For the best result, you should use this toothpaste for at least 3 months. Almost all dentists recommend their patients start using the product because of the amazing benefits.

While choosing the best toothpaste for sensitivity, you should ensure the product can repair discomfort and irritation around the inner nerves while drinking cold water.

Sensitive Teeth: Causes & Treatments

Unexpected pain or discomfort when consuming hot or cold food and drinks, or when you breathe through your mouth, are common symptoms of sensitive teeth. The good news is, it’s also treatable – and with our helpful guide, you can discover the main causes, symptoms and best ways to manage tooth sensitivity.

Visit your dentist if tooth sensitivity lasts more than 2 weeks.

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

If you get a short, sharp, painful sensation in your teeth when you bite into an ice cream, take a sip of an icy drink or slurp a mouthful of hot soup, chances are you have sensitive teeth.

Tooth sensitivity is an exaggerated response to stimuli such as hot, cold, sweet or acidic foods and drinks, exposure to cold air and even brushing your teeth.

What Do Sensitive Teeth Feel Like?

Symptoms of sensitive teeth can range from a mild twinge to considerable discomfort. Pain can come and go, and may be worse on some occasions than others. Depending on the cause of your sensitivity, you may not feel pain in every tooth.

Woman feeling tooth sensitivity while holding an ice cream bar

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

To understand the answer to this question, it helps to know a little about the structure of your teeth. Each tooth consists of the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth, and the root, which anchors each tooth into your jaw. Components of the crown include:

  • Tooth enamel. The hard, white-looking layer that protects the sensitive inner parts of each tooth. Tooth enamel is the hardest material in your body – even stronger than bone.
  • Cementum. A thin, protective layer of bone-like tissue under the gum line that protects the tooth root.
  • Dentin. A layer of softer tissue which contains tiny canals or “tubules.”
  • Pulp. The soft tissue deep inside each tooth that contains blood vessels, connective tissue and nerves.

If for any reason the enamel starts to wear away or erode, your tooth’s dentin is exposed. When this happens, nerve signals pass to the tooth root and from there to the brain – meaning that things like eating popsicles or drinking hot drinks, which normally don’t cause a reaction, can suddenly trigger pain and sensitivity.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

A range of factors can lead to tooth sensitivity, but there are two main underlying reasons: enamel loss and gum recession.

Causes of enamel loss include:

  • Over-zealous brushing. Brushing too vigorously or too often.
  • Acid erosion. From acidic foods and drinks such as sugary sports drinks and sodas.

Causes of gum recession include: 

  • Brushing too hard. This can injure the gum tissue.
  • Gum disease. A common oral health disease that can cause receding gums.
  • Your genes. Regardless of how you care for your teeth, you may be genetically susceptible to gum recession.
  • Smoking. Tobacco products increase plaque buildup on teeth, which can lead to a greater risk of gum recession over time.

Professional and at-home teeth whitening (bleaching) treatments may cause temporary sensitivity, although this should disappear within a short time of stopping treatment.

How to Help Treat Sensitive Teeth?

It is possible to ease the pain of sore, sensitive teeth so they are less troublesome and easy to manage. Maintaining a good oral health routine is key. Brushing twice a day, every day, with Sensodyne toothpastes for tooth sensitivity relief is an easy way to alleviate symptoms, providing long-lasting sensitivity protection.


We hope now you understand the benefits of using toothpaste that is particularly formulated to remove sensitivity issues. You must use Sensodyne products as it is known to keep a fresh taste in your mouth and won’t cause sensitivity problems.  

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